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Mar 03

Estimator for contrast agents 1

Tag: Math,Noise,softwareadmin @ 11:22 am
The next series of posts discuss my recently published paper, “Efficient, non-iterative estimator for imaging contrast agents with spectral x-ray detectors,” available for free download here. The paper extends the previous A-table estimator, see this post, to three or more dimension basis sets so it can be used with high atomic number contrast agents. It also compares the A-table estimator to an iterative estimator.
This post describes the software to implement the new estimator. The next posts describe the code for an iterative estimator, compare the performance of the new estimator to the iterative estimator and the CRLB, compare the new estimator with a neural network estimator, and finally discuss an alternate implementation using a neural network as the interpolator.

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